Vanthera: Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Thank you for teaching me how to love myself in a way that I can comprehend, that i can understand and can actually applied it. Many thanks for always supporting me, and be there for me. True love does exist.
Gugurly-ish: Wednesday, October 30, 2013


so it's been a long time since the last post. just wondering, does anyone been missing me? hehe. I know, I am too fabulous for someone to be remembered, am I? Don't be shy, just admit it, sweetie pie. hehe. enough with it.
Okay, so, where are we? oh yeah, I don't even get started, right? here we go. :)
I don't know why am I being so 'girly' today. I haven't feel this way since I left it years ago. yes, honest hour, I used to wear make-up (mum's actually. duhh, put them on when moms not around and without her notice X) but then, I don't know how, I just lost the desire to wear all-that-matters. I started to be so tomboy-ish. no more high-heels. and the best part is, my mum's cousin said that I have this 'gangsters-walk' which I feel very amazed and pleasure cause I take that as a compliment :p


"Beauty does captures people's attention, but personality captures people's heart." - Matluthfi

My lovely, cute little sister, Batrisyia, she have this odd (different from mine) hobby. she loves jewelleries so much. she just cant see things, or she'll buy them. things she love:
1) high-heels : she have like 3, or something. I don't even have that many! sometimes thoughts attacking my mind, does she 'okay' with high-heels? because I find its tiring and giving itch to my foot. that's why I cant wear high-heels.
2) crown : this is NOT the one the queen used to wear. the crown I mean is the one that a bride used to wear with her wedding dress in her wedding day. and once again, yes, she loves EVERYTHING that has to do with marriage. don't get her wrong, its just a hobby. and she just 4. dude, four.
3) jewellery : she loves necklaces, rings, wristbands, earrings, everything that orang pompuan pakailah senang cerita. and all her clothes are cooler than mine x) ohh how lucky she is.
p/s : one good thing about her, she will use them until it's broken or gone. and I genuinely think she can be my best wedding planner when I get married soon. wahaha x)
Okay, lol, I haven't talk about the main things to tell in this post yet. adoii. hehe.
okay, so earlier I said, I haven't feel this girly, right? hehe, a few minutes ago, batrisyia put her new necklace which she bought after school this afternoon at Tesco on me. okay, that's so sweet. she put it on by herself. wee, I am so touched. tissues please? :') the necklace comes with earrings. so I put it on. then I take a look in the mirror.
I started thinking like, umm,'I actually look good in this jewelleries.' lol... yeah. maybe the great influenced by her makes me feel like this.
feel like not-going-to-take-this-thing-off. hehe.
Sweet Scorpius Malfoy :): Sunday, August 04, 2013

“If you don’t have weird moments then you’re weird.” — Bertie Gilbert
Bertie William Gilbert (born 1 May 1997) is a British/South African actor who portrayed Scorpius Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. He has also played other small roles on British television, such as Horrible Histories and is an active Vlogger on YouTube. He's beautiful and gorgeous, isn't he? :)

So this 25/Nov Bertie has just post a video (his first ever masterpiece-Short Film) which he has put so much effort on. I am really proud of him. This film is so good. It shows how courage and perseverance he has to go through hard time and very very inspiring to me. Sometimes I feel like I have this same feeling. Just the way he feel. I don't know. I feel so close to him eventhough I live the other side hemisphere of the world from him. Maybe we have this connection. hehe. but after all, he deserves applausement. Can I just :') and before you leave me to weep, you can watch his film here :)
credits: 1 2 copyright © a little memory
"♫Our Song"